Location of standards 
Administrative Rule: Article 24:58
Alignment to national standards 
ISLLC 2008
Year of law passage/rule change 
Name and overview of standards 
South Dakota Framework for Effective Principals includes six standards: vision and goals; instructional leadership; school operations and resources; school, student and staff safety; school and community relationships; and ethical and cultural leadership.
Use of standards 
The South Dakota Framework for Effective Principals serves as the basis for evaluation and professional development.
[1] South Dakota Department of Education. (n.d.) South Dakota framework for effective principals. Retrieved from http://doe.sd.gov/secretary/documents/PEFramewk.pdf [2] South Dakota Department of Education. (2015). South Dakota principal effectiveness handbook. Retrieved from http://doe.sd.gov/secretary/documents/PE-handbook.pdf
Location of standards 
Not specified
Alignment to national principal supervisor standards 
Year of law passage/rule change 
Overview of standards 
Use of standards 
Presence of principal supervisor job description 
Location of performance evaluation requirement 
Administrative Rule: Article 24:58:03:01
Year of passage/revision 
Name of evaluation system 
South Dakota's Principal Effectiveness System
Description of evaluation system 
At a minimum, principal evaluations must be based on six components, at least one from each domain of the South Dakota Framework for Effective Principals and a student growth rating using measures such as a percentage of evaluated teachers attaining expected or high student growth ratings, School Performance Index, academic progress goal, or a student learning objective.
Frequency of performance evaluation 
Annually for the first 4 years of employment and once every other school year after 5 years of employment.
Intended use of performance evaluation 
Used to inform professional development and guide personnel decisions.
Rubric or evaluation instrument 
South Dakota Framework for Effective Principals
[1] South Dakota Department of Education. (2015). Principal effectiveness handbook. Retrieved from http://doe.sd.gov/secretary/documents/PE-handbook.pdf
Principal preparation program accreditation or approval standards 
South Dakota has an agreement with CAEP and its standards include: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge; Clinical Partnerships and Practice; Candidate Quality, Recruitment, and Selectivity; Program Impact; and Provider Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement.
Description of program approval review process 
Programs seeking CAEP accreditation must submit a self-study for formative feedback through off-site review, document review on candidate competencies, survey stakeholders, and host a site visit.
Minimum years of educational experience or degree required by candidate for acceptance to principal preparation program 
Bachelors degree and 3 years of school experience in an accredited school with at least 1 year of teaching experience
Minimum test scores for preparation program entrance 
Not specified
Number of credits in coursework required for graduation 
15 graduate semester hours
Degree level required for principal entry-level certification or licensure 
Master’s degree
Field work or internship required for degree or license 
Minimum test score requirements for certification 
Praxis II Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision with a minimum score of 145
[1] South Dakota Department of Education. (2017) South Dakota Educator Certification Rules. Retrieved from http://www.doe.sd.gov/oatq/documents/Rules-Summary.pdf [2] ETS. (n.d.). South Dakota test requirements. Retrieved from https://www.ets.org/praxis/sd/requirements [3] Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. (2014). South Dakota Department of Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation partnership agreement. Retrieved from http://www.caepnet.org/~/media/Files/caep/state-partners/south-dakota-ca...