Location of standards 
Legislation: 59-5-60 and 59-24-40 Administrative Rule: State Reg. 43-165.1
Alignment to national standards 
ISLLC 2008
Year of law passage/rule change 
Name and overview of standards 
Ten standards: Vision, Instructional Leadership, Effective Management, Climate, School-Community Relations, Ethical Behavior, Interpersonal Skills, Staff Development, Principal's Professional Development, and Student Growth
Use of standards 
The Performance Standards and Criteria for Principal Evaluation serve as the basis for assisting, developing, and evaluating all principals in the state. Evaluation results should guide principals' professional development, compensation, promotion, retention, and removal.
[1] South Carolina Department of Education. (2015). Program for assisting, developing, and evaluating principal performance: Implementation guidelines. Retrieved from http://ed.sc.gov/scdoe/assets/File/educators/school-district-admin/PADEP...
Location of standards 
Not specified
Alignment to national principal supervisor standards 
Year of law passage/rule change 
Overview of standards 
Use of standards 
Presence of principal supervisor job description 
Location of performance evaluation requirement 
Legislation: 59-5-60 and 59-24-40 Administrative Rule: State Reg. 43-165.1
Year of passage/revision 
Name of evaluation system 
Program for Assisting, Developing, and Evaluating Principal Performance (PADEPP)
Description of evaluation system 
Using multiple measures to determine performance levels, principals are rated on all 10 standards. Student growth is weighted 20% using a decision matrix that requires principals who are rated "unsatisfactory" on student growth receive no higher than "improvement needed" on the overall evaluation.
Frequency of performance evaluation 
Formally every 3 years and informally every year on at least two standards, one of which must be student growth.
Intended use of performance evaluation 
Used to inform professional development, advancement, certification, and dismissal
Rubric or evaluation instrument 
[1] South Carolina Department of Education. (2015). Program for assisting, developing, and evaluating principal performance: Implementation guidelines. Retrieved from http://ed.sc.gov/scdoe/assets/File/educators/school-district-admin/PADEP...
Principal preparation program accreditation or approval standards 
South Carolina has an agreement with CAEP and its standards include: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge; Clinical Partnerships and Practice; Candidate Quality, Recruitment, and Selectivity; Program Impact; and Provider Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement.
Description of program approval review process 
Programs seeking CAEP accreditation must submit a self-study for formative feedback through off-site review; collection of evidence on the standards; collecting data such as graduates' Praxis II scores and evaluation results; survey stakeholders; and host a site visit.
Minimum years of educational experience or degree required by candidate for acceptance to principal preparation program 
3 years of teaching experience
Minimum test scores for preparation program entrance 
Not specified
Number of credits in coursework required for graduation 
Not specified
Degree level required for principal entry-level certification or licensure 
Master's degree
Field work or internship required for degree or license 
Minimum test score requirements for certification 
Praxis II Education Leadership: Administration and Supervision with a minimum score of 145
[1] South Carolina Department of Education. (2016). South Carolina's required examinations. Retrieved from http://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/certification-forms/forms/south... [2] South Carolina Department of Education. (2012). Standards, policies, and procedures for South Carolina educator preparation units. Retrieved from http://ed.sc.gov/educators/educator-preparation/educator-preparation-uni... [3] South Carolina Department of Education. (2014). Administrative Reg 43-64. Requirements for initial certification at the advanced level. Retrieved from http://ed.sc.gov/scdoe/assets/File/stateboard/documents/64.pdf