Location of standards 
Education Law §3012-c and §3012-d and 8 CRR-NY 52.21(c)(1)(ii)(c)(1-10)
Alignment to national standards 
ISLLC 2008
Year of law passage/rule change 
Name and overview of standards 
Must be aligned to the ISLCC 2008 standards which include: Vision; School Culture; Organizational Management; Community; Ethics; and Political and Governance.
Use of standards 
Used for the purpose of principal preparation, principal certification, and principal evaluation
[1] New York State Department of Education. (2012). State-approved teacher and principal practice rubrics for use under §3012-c. Retrieved from https://www.engageny.org/resource/state-approved-teacher-and-principal-p...
Location of standards 
8 CRR-NY 80-5.15(a)(2)(i)(a-i)
Alignment to national principal supervisor standards 
ISLLC 2008
Year of law passage/rule change 
Overview of standards 
Candidates must demonstrate the following: visions; goals and objectives for vision; communicate program goals; comprehensive long-term planning to achieve goals; ethical decision-making; accountability for goals and objectives; develop staff capability to achieve goals; and management of finances and facilities
Use of standards 
Used for district leader preparation
Presence of principal supervisor job description 
[1]New York Code, Rules, and Regulation. (n.d.) 80-5.15 Alternative Requirements for school district leader certificates
Location of performance evaluation requirement 
Education Law §3012-c and §3012-d
Year of passage/revision 
Name of evaluation system 
Annual Professional Performance Review
Description of evaluation system 
NYS law specifies that student achievement will comprise 40% of principal evaluations. The remaining 60% of teacher and principal evaluations shall be based on multiple measures of teacher/principal effectiveness consistent with standards prescribed by the Commissioner in regulation.
Frequency of performance evaluation 
At least annually
Intended use of performance evaluation 
Designed for continuous professional growth for principals
Rubric or evaluation instrument 
There is a menu of state-approved rubrics to assess performance based on NYS leadership standards.
[1] New York State Department of Education. (2012). Guidance on New York state annual professional performance review law and regulations. Retrieved from https://www.engageny.org/resource/guidance-on-new-york-s-annual-professi... [2] New York State Department of Education. (2016). List of approved principal rubrics. Retrieved from http://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/teachers-leaders/practicerubrics/
Principal preparation program accreditation or approval standards 
The New York State Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education standards for accreditation include: Institutional Mission; Assessment of Student Achievement; Programs of Study; Faculty; Resources; Administration; Support Services; Admissions; Consumer information; Student Complaints; HEA Title IV Program Responsibilities; Teach-Out Plans and Agreements; and Public Disclosure of Accreditation.
Description of program approval review process 
The New York State Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education are the accrediting agency in New York. The program approval process includes: on-site visits to assess program's compliance to standards; interview faculty, administrators, and students; review course syllabi and student work; and submit data such as number of degrees awarded, total enrollment, admission information, graduation rates, job placement rates, and other suggested data as possible sources of evidence.
Minimum years of educational experience or degree required by candidate for acceptance to principal preparation program 
Master's degree required, 3 years of teaching experience required for initial license
Minimum test scores for preparation program entrance 
Not specified
Number of credits in coursework required for graduation 
21 semester hours of graduate-level coursework
Degree level required for principal entry-level certification or licensure 
Master's degree
Field work or internship required for degree or license 
Minimum test score requirements for certification 
School Building Leader performance assessment and Educating All Students with minimum score of 520
[1] New York State Department of Education. (n.d.). Search certification requirements. Retrieved from http://eservices.nysed.gov/teach/certhelp/CertRequirementHelp.do [2] New York State Teacher Certification Examinations. (2017). Understanding your test results. Retrieved from http://www.nystce.nesinc.com/PageView.aspx?f=GEN_UnderstandingYourTestRe... [3] New York State Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education. (2017). Handbook of institutional accreditation. Retrieved from http://www.highered.nysed.gov/ocue/accred/documents/HandbookMay2017.pdf