Location of standards 
Ala. Admin. Code r. 290-3-3-.48
Alignment to national standards 
ISLLC 2008
Year of law passage/rule change 
Name and overview of standards 
The Alabama Standards for Instructional Leaders include six standards: Planning for Continuous Improvement; Teaching and Learning; Human Resources Development; Diversity; Community and Stakeholder Relationships; and Technology
Use of standards 
The Alabama Standards for Instructional Leaders are used to guide the curriculum for instructional leadership programs, as the basis for program reviews, and they serve as the basis for LEADAlabama, the state's formative evaluation system.
[1] Alabama Department of Education. (n.d.) Alabama standards for instructional leaders. Retrieved from http://alex.state.al.us/leadership/Alabama_Standards_for_Instructional_L... [2] Alabama Department of Education. (n.d.) Instructional Leadership. Retrieved from http://alex.state.al.us/leadership/Instructional%20Leadership%20Stds%20C... [3] Alabama Department of Education. (n.d.) Alignment illustration - LEADAL with ISLLC standards. Retrieved from http://alex.state.al.us/leadership/documents/AlignmentdocISLLC_ASIL.pdf [4] Alabama State Department of Education. (n.d.). Alabama educator standards. Retrieved from http://alex.state.al.us/leadership/standards.html [5] Alabama State Department of Education. (n.d.). LEADAlabama. Retrieved from http://alex.state.al.us/leadership/leadalabama.html
Location of standards 
Alabama does not provide a separate set of standards for Principal Supervisor but uses a generic set of standards for Instructional Leadership.
Alignment to national principal supervisor standards 
See response for Leadership Standards
Year of law passage/rule change 
Overview of standards 
See response for Leadership Standards
Use of standards 
See response for Leadership Standards
Presence of principal supervisor job description 
Location of performance evaluation requirement 
Alabama State Board of Education's Plan 2020
Year of passage/revision 
Name of evaluation system 
Description of evaluation system 
LEADAlabama includes a self-assessment based on Alabama Continuum for Leadership Development; a Professional Learning Plan; goals to demonstrate growth; and documentation of professional learning evidence toward these goals. The evidence can include observations and school or student data.
Frequency of performance evaluation 
Intended use of performance evaluation 
Used to inform professional development.
Rubric or evaluation instrument 
Alabama Continuum for Instructional Leader Development
[1] Alabama Department of Education. (2010). Alabama continuum for instructional leader development. Retrieved from http://alex.state.al.us/leadership/Ala%20Continuum%20for%20Instructional... [2] Alabama Department of Education. (n.d.) LEADAlabama. Retrieved from http://alex.state.al.us/leadership/leadalabama.html [3] Alabama Department of Education. (2013). Alabama plan 2020 ESEA flexibility request. Retrieved from http://www2.ed.gov/policy/eseaflex/approved-requests/alapprovalreq.pdf
Principal preparation program accreditation or approval standards 
Alabama has an agreement with the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and its standards include: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge; Clinical Partnerships and Practice; Candidate Quality, Recruitment, and Selectivity; Program Impact; Provider Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement
Frequency of principal preparation program review for approval and accreditation 
3+ years
Description of program approval review process 
An Alabama university may submit an Instructional Leadership program for review by the CAEP-affiliated specialialized professional association (SPA) for leadership – the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC). If the review results in national recognition, the program is exempt from a review based on Alabama’s standards for Instructional Leadership, although all other applicable Alabama standards must be met. Universities that do not receive ELCC recognition must meet all Alabama standards applicable to Instructgional Leadership programs. Usually two but at least one year before an onsite review, institutions submit to the the Alabama State Department of Education documentation of comliance with Alabama standards. A team of subject matter specialists review the documentation provided in order to prepare a preliminary report to be sent to the university. The report prepared by the the Alabama reviewers is shared with member of the CAEP team prior to and during a joint onsite review. Programs seeking CAEP Accreditation must submit a comprehensive self-study for formative feedback through off-site review, survey stakeholders, and host a site visit.
Minimum years of educational experience or degree required by candidate for acceptance to principal preparation program 
Must have a Class A or Class AA Professional Educator Certificate which requires a bachelor's degree in teaching or a master's degree. Must have 3 years of full-time professional educational work experience including one full year of teaching.
Minimum test scores for preparation program entrance 
Not specified
Number of credits in coursework required for graduation 
30 semester hours of course work as specified and approved by the Alabama State Board of Education
Degree level required for principal entry-level certification or licensure 
Master's degree
Field work or internship required for degree or license 
Number of hours required for internship completion 
Not specified
Minimum test score requirements for certification 
Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision with a minimum score of 149
[1] Alabama State Department of Education. (2015). Alabama Administrative Code 290-3-3. Retrieved from https://www.alsde.edu/ofc/otl/Admin%20Code/2015%20Educator%20Preparation... [2] ETS. (n.d.). Alabama Educator Preparation Program approach. Retrieved from https://www.ets.org/praxis/al/al_teacher_ed/ [3] Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. (2015). Partnership agreement between the Alabama State Department of Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Retrieved from http://www.caepnet.org/~/media/Files/caep/state-partners/al-partnership-...