Location of standards 
Legislation: Education Code, Title 2, Division 3, Part 25, Chapter 3, Article 13. Principal Evaluation System (EDUCATION CODE 44671)
Alignment to national standards 
ISLLC 2008
Year of law passage/rule change 
Name and overview of standards 
The California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL), based on the ILLSC 2008, have been adapted for the California context. The six areas included in the standards are Development and Implementation of a Shared Vision, Instructional Leadership, Management and Learning Environment, Family and Community Engagement, Ethics and Integrity, and External Context and Policy.
Use of standards 
The CPSEL are intended to be the basis for administrator preparation, induction, development, professional learning, and evaluation.
[1] Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2014). California professional standards for education leaders (CPSEL). Retrieved from http://www.ctc.ca.gov/educator-prep/standards/CPSEL-booklet-2014.pdf [2] State of California. (2013). Education code 44671. Retrieved from http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=...
Location of standards 
Not publically available
Alignment to national principal supervisor standards 
Not publically available
Year of law passage/rule change 
Overview of standards 
Not publically available
Use of standards 
Not publically available
Presence of principal supervisor job description 
Location of performance evaluation requirement 
Legislation. Education Code, Title 2, Division 3, Part 25, Chapter 3, Article 13. Principal Evaluation System (EDUCATION CODE 44670-44671)
Year of passage/revision 
Name of evaluation system 
Locally determined
Description of evaluation system 
The locally developed evaluation system may include academic growth based on multiple measures, effective and comprehensive teacher evaluations, culturally responsible strategies to address the achievement gap, ability to analyze and provide feedback on instruction, collaborative professional practices, effective school management, meaningful self-assessment, and effective relationships with staff and stakeholders.
Frequency of performance evaluation 
Annual for the first 2 years and at locally determined regular intervals after that.
Intended use of performance evaluation 
Not publically available
Rubric or evaluation instrument 
Locally determined
[1] State of California. (2013). Education code 44670-44671. Retrieved from http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=... [2] Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2014). California professional standards for education leaders (CPSEL). Retrieved from http://www.ctc.ca.gov/educator-prep/standards/CPSEL-booklet-2014.pdf
Principal preparation program accreditation or approval standards 
California's Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program Standards include nine standards: Program Design and Rationale; Collaboration, Communication, and Coordination; Development of Professional Leadership Perspectives; Equity, Diversity, and Access; Role of Schooling in a Democratic Society; Preparing Candidates to Master the Administrator Performance Expectations; Nature of Field Expectation; Guidance, Assistance, and Feedback; and Assessment of Candidate Performance.
Frequency of principal preparation program review for approval and accreditation 
Description of program approval review process 
The Commission on Teacher Credentialing approves programs that meet its standards of quality. The program approval review process includes a biennial report that collects and analyzes data on candidates and program effectiveness; a program assessment describing alignment to each standard; indicators of candidate competence and performance; feedback from employers; and site visits.
Minimum years of educational experience or degree required by candidate for acceptance to principal preparation program 
Baccalaureate; 5 years of teaching experience; teaching credential or credential pupil personnel services (e.g., librarian or school nurse)
Minimum test scores for preparation program entrance 
Not specified
Number of credits in coursework required for graduation 
Not specified
Degree level required for principal entry-level certification or licensure 
Field work or internship required for degree or license 
Number of hours required for internship completion 
Not specified
Minimum test score requirements for certification 
California Preliminary Administrative Credential Examination (CPACE)
[1] State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2017). Administrative Services Credential for individuals prepared in California. Retrieved from https://www.ctc.ca.gov/docs/default-source/leaflets/cl574c.pdf?sfvrsn=8a... [2] California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2016). Administrative Services Credential program standards. Retrieved from http://www.ctc.ca.gov/educator-prep/standards/SVC-Admin-Handbook-2016.pdf [3] California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2015-16). The Committee on Accreditation's annual accreditation report to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Retrieved from https://www.ctc.ca.gov/docs/default-source/commission/reports/coa_2015_1...